
How to Play Old Console Games on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is simply the best minicomputer designed for retro gaming you can possibly have and use today. It comes with built-in emulators and it literally supports all the retro game consoles and therefore games you can think of. In order to play the games, you will need ROMs from Gamulator and a few basic things. Follow the steps and you won’t have any issues.

You will need:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • USB power supply
  • USB keyboard
  • Computer monitor
  • SD card with 8GB or more
  • PC or Mac
  • Controller

When choosing the devices, we recommend you go for older units. They work well with the system and they are cheap so you won’t have to invest a huge amount of money. The computer monitor needs to be small as well just so it can resemble the old retro arcades you played in the past.

Install the Raspberry Pi

The first step is to download the Raspberry Pi and install it on the memory SD card. All you have to do is to extract it to the card. For Windows users, try Win32DiskImager. Those who use Mac computer will use RPI-sd card builder. Once you are done, remove the SD card from the slot.

Boot into the Emulation Station

Connect the controller the keyboard and insert the memory card. Start the booting process and wait a couple of seconds. You will instantly be taken to the Emulation Station. Now, you will have to set up the controllers here. If you are using an old controller, you can adjust it easily and within seconds. Just program the main directional buttons.

Those who use Bluetooth controllers will have to connect them to the system using a cable and then program the keys. Never skip this step. Now you should have a fully functional Raspberry Pi which is ready to be used for any game.

Connect to the Wi-Fi (optional)

If you want to use Wi-Fi, you can. All you have to do is to connect it to the network you have been using. Scroll to the Configure Wi-Fi menu and confirm by pressing a button. Then select the network you want to connect to and enter the password. The process is basically identical to all other connections you will have to do to your Wi-Fi. Confirm and exit. Raspberry Pi is easy to use and it supports all Wi-Fi networks used these days. You can use it for downloading, browsing the web and etc. As such, we believe this step will probably be used by most of you.

Transfer ROM files to the system

You can use the Wi-Fi method to transfer the games to the Raspberry Pi but it is a bit complicated and in some cases, it may not work. The solution is to use a USB drive and nothing more.

Just place the ROM files (all you want to play) to the USB drive and insert it into the Raspberry Pi. You are done. Now your games are available at any given moment and you can play any one of them within seconds. It is definitely a simple and appealing process you can complete at home, without any additional help.

The final word

Raspberry Pi supports all retro consoles, come with all emulators you can think of and using it is so simple that we don’t have to explain it in detail. We also liked the stability of the system and the fact it comes with regular updates that can help you in the future and can make sure you get the latest features and benefits of the system.


James Johnson

James Johnson, a journalist with a Master's degree in Communication Technology from MIT, has been a leading voice in tech and gadget journalism for over a decade. Since joining our team in 2019, he has specialized in providing insightful reviews and cutting-edge coverage of the latest tech and gadget trends. Before his current role, James contributed to various tech magazines and websites, enhancing his expertise in consumer electronics. When not exploring the newest gadgets, he indulges in photography, a hobby that complements his professional interests.

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