Whether you’ve been left with the responsibility of clearing the home of a deceased family member or, perhaps, you’re a tenant left with unwanted items at the end of a tenancy. Either way, the idea of clearing out an entire house can feel incredibly daunting. Indeed, most people don’t know where to start. Which is why employing a house clearance team can save you a lot of hassle.
Even better, these days, most companies will try to recycle or reuse any furniture or belongings during a house clearance. Which means you’ll feel safe in the knowledge that you’re both saving yourself a lot of time as well as helping out others who are in need of furniture or household items.
Before you start looking for someone to do your house clearance, it’s important to know what level of clearance you need:
Full House Clearance
When opting for a full house clearance, the company you use will remove everything from the house and repurpose it. Often this will include furniture, white goods, bric-a-brac and can also include curtains and carpets. This clearance can even include outhouses, such as clearing a garage and shed.
Partial House Clearance
Exactly the same as a full house clearance, the only difference with your partial house clearance us the fact you can specify which items you want removed.
Bulk Waste Removal
If you have already done the vast majority of the house clearance yourself, you may still have a few bulky items – i.e. sofas – that you would like removed.
How to Prepare a House for Clearance
Before getting in a company to do your house clearance for you, it’s worth making a few preparations first:
Remove Items of Sentimental or Monetary Value
Particularly in the case of bereavement, there may be items in the house that are of sentimental value to you or other members of your family. So, before arranging for your house clearance, have a good sort through the home and remove anything you would like to keep. It’s also worth asking over other family members to see if they’d like to keep anything of sentimental value too. You might also find that younger members of your family, who have perhaps just moved into a property, could benefit from some furniture.
There may also be some items that could be worth money, particularly if they are antique or collectible. So, before you get a house clearance team in, first of all get a valuator in and remove any valuable items.
Remove All Personal Documentation
Documents with personal information can be a real problem if its left in a house to be cleared. That’s because, when something like blank statements or insurance documents are in furniture that’s given away or disposed of, that sensitive information may end up in the hands of identity thieves. So, make sure to remove all important documents and dispose of them safely.
Once you’re happy that your house is ready for clearance, simply call over a house clearance team. In no time at all, your house will be ready to be sold on the market or be ready for new tenants.
Need more info head over to – https://www.kwiksweep.co.uk/house_clearance_London
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