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Healthy Diet- A Guide To A Healthy Life

When it comes to making food choices, I have heard many people say that this new year, I will stick to a healthy regime. No matter what, I will shed those extra kilos by eating healthy and exercising regularly. Many of those people also pay a massive amount of money in the form of a gym membership. Not only this, but some of them even break their bank by paying some renowned dietitian or nutrition expert, to get that much-needed diet chart to be followed with their intense workout schedule.

This happens with many, at the start of a new year, usually. But these are the same people who never look back to visiting their gym or consulting their nutrition expert and often get back to binge eating the junk.

People usually consider a healthy diet plan to be a boring one and find that cheese-burst pizza and burgers entertaining their taste buds, every day.

Well, well, well!! If you too are the one wishing to stick a diet regime but find it next to impossible to do, then this article is all you need.

Here, I will take you on the run down to the facts about how a healthy diet (besides being tasty at the same time) is easy to follow, alongside the workout routine.

So, let’s roll.

#1. Taste Myth Busted

Talking of healthy diet! Many people think that it is way too dull to eat spinach and salads when there are many yum-to-eat options available, including burgers, pizzas, and candies.

Well, this is where you need to change your views regarding following a healthy diet.

It was back in 2014 when all of a sudden, I realized that I had put on too much weight, and when I weighed myself, I was already 95 Kgs. Seeing those numbers on the weighing machine, I was horrified. And it was a high time for me to realize that I need to work upon myself, join a gym and switch my eating habits.

Well, it was difficult at first, but not when I found that eating healthy does not mean you have to eat boring. I started experimenting with different types of foods in my kitchen, and in no time, my healthy diet turned out to be a tasty one too.

It is since then that I have not eaten a burger os sandwich from outside. I can now prepare a tasty yet healthy diet at my place only (that too, anytime I want).

So, you first need to get over the thought of switching your junk food with some boring food items as there are limitless tongue-twisting food options available if you choose to go on a diet.

Still in doubt? Try these fantastic tasty and healthy diet recipes.

#2. Workout Made Simple

People usually join a gym, visit the same for a day or two, and give up. They find it difficult to pick those heavyweight dumbbells and perform the workout for biceps, triceps, and other parts of the body. Sometimes, they do like the exercise, but the cramps they face the next day stop them from going to the gym again. Well, it does not have to happen anymore.

You may consider starting your workout by merely running outdoors for a month and then join a gym. When I got into the race of losing weight, I began by skipping and running outdoors. I did it for around a month and then registered myself at a gym. Honestly, I never had to feel those cramps.

Also, I started my gym sessions and was so much in love with the workouts that I started exploring different types of exercises being performed worldwide and came across some cool ones including Tabata, Callisthenics, and CrossFit.

For those of you, who do not like visiting a gym, you may consider getting a cross-trainer on rentand perform your workout sessions efficiently at home.

#3. Keeping it Balanced

Now that I have told you about how easy it is to follow a healthy yet tasty diet alongside keeping workouts accessible and straightforward, the other thing that I am going to talk about is maintaining the balance between both.

There is no denying the fact that workout plays only 20 percent role in keeping you fit, while nutrition/diet takes 80 percent of it. Yes!! For those of you who are not aware of it, it is true. It does not matter even if you perform the intense workout or not. If you do not take your diet seriously, it will eventually make you feel weak. So, it becomes imperative to keep both balanced.

Make sure that you move forward with both workout and nutrition running hand in hand. Also, remember to divide your meal intake into at least five or six sessions. You may go with different combinations of fat, protein, fibres, and other essential nutrients.

Keeping a balance between your workout and nutrition not only helps you in staying healthy, but the results go on for an extended period.

So, never take any one of these two for granted.

In a Crux

The world is growing too fast, and people are neglecting their health to be a part of this fast-paced, growing system. Well, according to reports regarding the prevalence of obesity in India, it is essential to understand the importance of taking a healthy diet and performing regular exercise.

I believe that with the thought of taste myth busted and workout made simple (as I have mentioned above) you will now stop running after outlets serving foods that are silently killing you. So, the first thing you have to do is weigh yourself, find out if you fall under the obese category, and if the answer is yes, then do follow a healthy diet and workout program, without any delay.

Well, the healthy diet is not only to be followed by those falling under the obese category, but it is also substantially equal for those who are under the right weight category.

Now, to boost you up to start following a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible, I would like to sum it up by saying that ‘Your health is your real wealth.’


James Johnson

James Johnson, a journalist with a Master's degree in Communication Technology from MIT, has been a leading voice in tech and gadget journalism for over a decade. Since joining our team in 2019, he has specialized in providing insightful reviews and cutting-edge coverage of the latest tech and gadget trends. Before his current role, James contributed to various tech magazines and websites, enhancing his expertise in consumer electronics. When not exploring the newest gadgets, he indulges in photography, a hobby that complements his professional interests.

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